Spring Observations

Spring in Berkeley is the absolute best time of the year (well, summer in Berkeley is pretty great too, but I digress).

Anyway, I love Berkeley springs because the air is still crisp but you can swelter just a little bit if you lay out in the sun (as I myself am wont to do in my special alcove on Northside). I also loathe wearing close-toed shoes, so that's an added bonus.

Anyway, spring observations are as follows: daisies cropping up outside the Fall Extension campus on my walk home every morning. There's that saying, "pushing daisies," but I'm about 99 percent sure there are no bodies buried there (haha).

Publicado el 15 de abril de 2013 por agerlach agerlach


Fotos / Sonidos


Margarita Común Europea (Bellis perennis)




Marzo 13, 2013


Saw these daisies in a cluster outside the FPF building on Dwight Way. They seemed like a pretty fair representation of spring approaching and all that, since they just cropped up after the recent rain and were thriving in the nice weather -- as we all are, i guess.



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