IDs of specific organisms

Here I will keep all the observations where I have discussed IDs of specific organisms





Publicado el 16 de mayo de 2024 por danicoe danicoe


This is useful! I wish there was a good way of tying such things to the species in inaturalist. But I don't think there is?? duly bookmarked though. Enjoy the sunshine!

Publicado por ffnaturalist hace 4 meses

@ffnaturalist I know! I often forget how to identify a species and then can't find for the life of me the observation where it was explained to me. I definitely think there should be a filter one can add when looking through posts that shows only the observations with the most comments (like the "popular" filter for posts with high amounts of favourites). I'm sure there's an easier way of doing what I did here, but I can't think of it, so this will have to suffice...

PS: Sunshine always seems to come exactly when exam season keeps me confined to a dark, hot room all day, but once exams are finished I will definitely be out naturalising all day (and hopefully finding more species that will lead to discussions that I can add to this list). That being said, I hope you enjoy the sun too!

Publicado por danicoe hace 4 meses

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