Saturday June 1, 2024 Another Full Day at Point Pelee

We drove to the Visitor Centre where we parked and boarded the shuttle that conveys visitors to the Tip Trail which we walked along to reach the southernmost tip of the point where we saw lots of shore birds: 20 (or more) American White Swans and many more gulls on the shore and in the water and a few cormorants flying west. We walked north along the beach on the east side of the point and encountered a Eastern Tiger Butterfly that was being buffeted by the light easterly breeze as it was “puddling” on the beach. On the seasonal footpath leading back to the Visitors Centre, we recorded the call of a Carolina Wren.

We drove back to the cottage for lunch after which we went back to the Centennial Trail leading south from Northwest Beach to look for more butterflies and dragonflies.

After dinner, we drove to the Marsh Boardwalk and saw a beaver slipping into the water as we approached on the boardwalk. Lots of red-winged blackbirds, too.

Publicado el 02 de junio de 2024 por drew_baxter drew_baxter


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