American Dipper Observation

I found this American Dipper on the side of the stream in Auke Creek. I noticed it originally because of its bulbous shape and cute features, but as I watched it, I realized it was bobbing up and down and thought it was a little strange and probably unique, so I decided to take some pictures and videos and do some research. There are only 5 species of dipper in the world, and this is one of them. The American Dipper is also North America's only aquatic songbird. They get their name from doing exactly what I saw, bobbing and dipping as they perch on a rock or other object near a stream, though it is not known what the reason for this is. Dippers feed underwater in cold streams by diving or wading (ADF&G Species profile). It eats aquatic insects and their larvae, and juvenile fish. They can actually be seen smacking fish and other prey on rocks to knock them out making them easier to ingest (American Dipper, National Park Service). They are well adapted to cold water conditions as they have down feathers, and a preening gland with oil to make their feathers waterproof (ADF&G Species profile). There is not a whole lot that people used the dipper for besides recreation. But there is a nesting ground for the dipper in Kugrak Springs and are one of the few bird species that overwinters in Alaska! I am not usually a big bird watcher but this was a super cool encounter and I hope to see one again.

“American Dipper.” National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior,,most%20of%20the%20rivers%20are%20frozen.%20Species%20Profile.

Armstrong, Robert, and Rita O'Clair. “Alaska Department of Fish and Game.” American Dipper, 2008,

Publicado el 17 de septiembre de 2022 por gcadenhead gcadenhead


Fotos / Sonidos


Mirlo Acuático Norteamericano (Cinclus mexicanus)




Septiembre 13, 2022 a las 02:18 PM AKDT


I found this American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) when I was working at my weir! It is a super cool bird, and I did my write up about it in my journal.


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