Notes on identifying grasses

The set of photos to best guarantee a grass ID is
1 habitat (roadside, heath, grassland, etc)
2 whole plant
3 stem node
4 leaf sheath closeup
5 leaf blade closeup and preferably on your hand for scale - width can be very important
6 ligule closeup
7 whole flowerhead
8 spikelet closeup - preferably several photos
9 floret closeup (absolutely essential for Rytidosperma, Poa, Austrostipa, Enneapogon, etc)

To get features in focus, you are best to lay them flat on your hand to photograph. Camera can easily focus on your hand and your hand removes the background noise and gives scale

Publicado el 22 de octubre de 2024 por hrosenswdpi hrosenswdpi


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