Kestrel's everyday lives #10

📌 Darling, we still have some delicacies in the fridge

🗨️ In previous photos, there was a moment when the male brought a rodent to the female and handed her the prey on the roof. However, there are times when the male arrives with a rodent, but everyone is already full. So, what to do? Resourceful kestrels know that besides the nesting niche, there are also several free ventilation niches. And why not store their precious rodents there?

This photo captures such a moment - first, the male flew in without a rodent, found a hidden rodent in the niche, called the female, she flew in and took it. The male sat for another ten seconds and then flew back to his favorite roof.

Publicado el 05 de junio de 2024 por ikovalev ikovalev


Fotos / Sonidos


Cernicalo Común (Falco tinnunculus)




Junio 4, 2024 a las 03:33 PM +03


📌 Darling, we still have some delicacies in the fridge

🗨️ In previous photos (,, there was a moment when the male brought a rodent to the female and handed her the prey on the roof. However, there are times when the male arrives with a rodent, but everyone is already full. So, what to do? Resourceful kestrels know that besides the nesting niche, there are also several free ventilation niches. And why not store their precious rodents there? This photo captures such a moment - first, the male flew in without a rodent, found a hidden rodent in the niche, called the female, she flew in and took it. The male sat for another ten seconds and then flew back to his favorite roof.


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