Tarleton State University Hunewell Ranch BioBlitz 2019!

Tarleton State University WSES Department is BACK with this year's newest BioBlitz. Last year they canceled due to bad weather, and although it might rain Saturday, we are going to be out in the field doing this, rain or shine.


"The Tarleton WSES Department BioBlitz will be an intensive period of biological surveying in an effort to record all the living species within Hunewell Ranch. Groups of experts, students, faculty, and volunteers will conduct an intensive field study over a 12-hour period. We would like to invite all interested Tarleton students, faculty, and community members to participate! All participants should download the iNaturalist phone app before the event. Register to attend or volunteer at the event at www.tarleton.edu/ecosciences."

SIGN-UP: https://tarleton.wufoo.com/forms/w3anetv1j0vr4j/
VOLUNTEER: Link should be at the end of the sign-up


7-8:45 AM Avian Survey
9-11 AM 1st iNaturalist Mini-Blitz
9-11 AM Reptiles and Mammals
11-12 PM Plant Walks (CLOSED)
12-12:45 PM Lunch ($5)
12:45-2:30 PM Observatory Tour
12:45-2:30 PM 2nd iNaturalist Mini-Blitz
2:30-4 PM Fish, Aquatic Insects, Diatoms, and Algae
4-6 PM 3rd iNaturalist Mini-Blitz
6-7 PM Closing and Data Entry

Contact Info:
Dr. Hemanta Kafley

Cheyenne Holt

Publicado el 03 de abril de 2019 por madisong madisong


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