Biodiversity of California: Field Assignment for Module 1

I chose salt marshes and estuaries as my field site option from Module 1 because in our assigned reading, An Island Called California: An Ecological Introduction to Its Natural Communities by Elna Baker, the author states:
By all standards, San Francisco Bay is the state’s largest and best known estuary.
For my first hike I went to the wetlands of the Hayward Regional Shoreline and walked the Cogswell Marsh Loop Trail which is a part of the East Bay Regional Parks System. When I arrived, the blossoming wildflowers and lush grasses of the near spring were covered in morning dew with Canada Geese scattered across in flocks. I observed Deathcap and Western Destroying Angel mushrooms as well as Mustard flowers and Orange Bush Monkeyflowers growing. The weather was 50 degrees fahrenheit and it sprinkled for most of my visit but it wasn’t windy so birds were still active around the brackish water marsh. By the end of my hike, the sun was starting to come out along with the American Crows in the area.

Publicado el 04 de marzo de 2024 por ndiversitybusarelo ndiversitybusarelo


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