who is summoning the russulas

Why are there so many?! I saw like, 20 today. They must like this weather we’re having or something, because the only other explanation is that someone is summoning them somehow.

Publicado el 29 de junio de 2024 por shroomysean shroomysean


Fotos / Sonidos


Rúsula Vinosa (Russula xerampelina)




Junio 29, 2024 a las 01:48 PM PDT


Found perfectly popping out of some mossy ground near Hemlock and Doug Fir.

Cap: Red, smelled faintly fishy. You can cut part of it and peel the red skin off. Hemispherical. 3.25” diameter (8.26cm)
Stipe: White, had some dirt on it. Pink blushing visible in some spots. About 3/4” thick.
Gills: White, crowded, very adnexed. At the point where the gill meets the edge of the cap, it is sort of fused to it, creating this interesting “webbed” appearance.
Volva: Not present.
Annulus: Not present.
Spore color: Cream white spore print, however when spores are concentrated, they reveal their gold/bright-orange color.
Spore morhophology: Ovoid, ornamented.

Images 6, 8, 11: Gill edge (cheilocystidia and basidia) at 1000x magnification.
Image 7: Spores at 1000x mag.
Image 9: Gill edge at 250x mag.
Image 10: Gill edge at 100x mag.


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