Mantidflies in Florida

I'm reaching out to observers in central Florida to keep an eye out for an apparently unique mantidfly documented in that area. Here are some observations:

If you find something that looks like this, capture it, post a pic, and contact me. It may just be an unusual variation of a common species, but it has a very unique set of characteristics and might be a new species. If we have a specimen in hand, I can sequence the DNA and send the critter itself to a taxonomic expert for further characterization.

@ryancooke, @gaudettelaura, @brennafarrell, @joannerusso, @mbelitz, @joshuadoby, @ericpo1, @scottsimmons, @j_appleget, @vijaybarve, @stevecollins, @marykeim, @floridensis

Publicado el 18 de febrero de 2020 por pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton


I wish I could help, but I'm no longer in Florida.

Publicado por brennafarrell hace más de 4 años

Will keep an eye.

Publicado por vijaybarve hace más de 4 años

Copy that, and will keep an eye out. I'm in Volusia county and hit adjacent Lake county fairly frequent (during the warmer, active months).

Publicado por floridensis hace más de 4 años

Wow, I definitely will keep an eye out for one!

Publicado por scottsimmons hace más de 4 años

@joemdo @jaykeller @tpalmer and @bennypoo may be interested in this as well!

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 4 años

Thanks for bringing me into the loop, Sam, though I'm rarely in central Florida. I'm almost exclusively in tropical S. Florida and the Bahamas.

Publicado por bennypoo hace más de 4 años

Hey folks, just a friendly note to keep an eye out for this apparently unique mantidfly. If you spot one, and would like to participate, just put it in a container with air, post pics, and notify me. I can then confirm if it's the unusual one or a typical one. Getting an identification to determine if it's an introduced species or a new species will require a specimen in hand.
@ryancooke, @gaudettelaura, @joannerusso, @mbelitz, @joshuadoby, @ericpo1, @scottsimmons, @j_appleget, @vijaybarve, @stevecollins, @marykeim, @floridensis, @joemdo @jaykeller @tpalmer, @seaheart88, @ladylovesplants, @noaboa, @kuchipatchis, @caitjcampbell, @mbelitz

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace más de 4 años

cool, thanks for the @ ! im not often in central florida though but if i am ill keep it in mind

@arctic_mongoose may be interested

Publicado por buggybuddy hace más de 4 años

thanks, will keep an eye out; @lindacooper298 you also

Publicado por seaheart88 hace más de 4 años

Interesting. I'll be in touch if I find a likely candidate! @pmaxp - check it out

Publicado por gaudettelaura hace más de 4 años

Hope to see through my lens 📷😊

Publicado por ladylovesplants hace más de 4 años

OK, thanks. Hope to see one.

Publicado por marykeim hace más de 4 años

Always on the lookout for new and interesting inverts. Don't always have collecting equipment, but a littered plastic bottle will sometimes do the trick.

Publicado por tpalmer hace más de 4 años

Does anyone on this list do blacklighting? That may be the best way to find one.

Publicado por stevecollins hace más de 4 años

Forgot to tag @aispinsects, @mikehanson11

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace más de 4 años

I'll keep an eye but my luck is treacherous. I put lights out almost every night but in the same, degraded area. Will certainly keep an eye out as well. I've only ever been able to see them when light trapping.

Publicado por aispinsects hace más de 4 años

Will keep an eye out for something similar in my outings. I usually stay within Wakulla, Liberty and Franklin counties. Hopefully I get lucky! Thank you for the Tag.

Publicado por mikehanson11 hace más de 4 años

@pfau_tarleton I'll keep an eye out and see if I can find one - I do sometimes get up to the Micanopy area where one of them was observed.

Publicado por arctic_mongoose hace más de 4 años

That should be @grigorenko . Thanks so much for your work Grigorenko!

Publicado por aispinsects hace casi 4 años

I will keep looking.

Publicado por j_appleget hace alrededor de 2 años

I know this is an old post but I have some of these around my home. Took a photo because I thought it was very different from the usual mantis, leaf/stick bugs I see around here.

Publicado por birdsandfliesfl hace alrededor de 1 mes

I'm still very interested in obtaining specimens for detailed DNA and morphological analysis!

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace alrededor de 1 mes

I found one you might be interested in. I’ll post pictures on my account @pfau_tarleton

Publicado por loganr410 hace alrededor de 24 horas

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