Indentifications & News

Hello everyone! Great production out of you all, it's so appreciated. Especially our identifiers, and most especfially user "Jayhorn" are soooo apreciated for his encyclopedic knowledge and tons of identifications of plants!! I love the email I get every morning that lists the IDs obtained for my stuff. Thanks, all!

Looks like new observations are slowing down, so I guess you've all pretty much gotten your photos loaded up. Just to remind, we have until Monday May 8 at 09:00 PST, or 06:00 EST. Best bet to get your observations included, get them loaded up asap to give everyone else has an opportunity to help make and confirm or correct identifications. Any can be added after this date/time, but they will no longer count in the blitz.

Right now, we're at 67.36% Research Grade identifications, but it'd be great if folks can make another pass or two through the observations, filter for Need Verification so you don't have to look through everything, it'll be a shorter list. While I think 67% is great, there is room for improvement. I think only the RG identifications count as far as the Blitz totals go.

I've gone through all the the "Unknowns" and provided some identifications, but at least to organism group, so they'll now pop in your filtered group of interest.

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2023 por ingolfaskevold ingolfaskevold


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