Remaining identification needs!!!

Hello peeps, we're getting down to the tough stuff, namnely, identifications! WE HAVE 3 MORE DAYS TO PUSH!!

I've gone twice through the 30+ "pages" of observations that are not yet "Research Grade" and done pretty much all I can do! What I know of birds I did, though most were done by the birders very quickly, thank you to those folks. Jay Horn, with over 302,000 identifications (!!!) overall, and 751 for this blitz, did a ton of plants and I also did some confirmations of his IDs, as did so many others. Marcie Praetorius also went above and beyond, well done! The Darsts also did super well. Any of you knowledgeable in plants, please have another go-through these!! Need someone who knows the non-vascular plants, like algae and bryophytes!!

Mushroomers!!! We need some of you to chime in and have a go at the fungi! Lots of those left. Lichens too... I know one person to reach out to.

INSECTS!!! (and other arthropods) I knew these would be very tough to get names. Some folks have really great photos, which is truly commendable, thanks so much! While I'm an entomologist first, I just can't get species names, I'm afraid. If you know anyone you can sit down with to go through these critters, please drag them into the game. I'm going to reach out to some folks I know too but we're running out of time. Trouble with insects is, the internet doesn't have enough photos and data for iNaturalist to draw upon, so if you look at suggestions, there's rather little and certainly not enough to pick from. We might just not be able to get past genus, I'm afraid, for anything other than butterflies and some moths and dragonflies...


Publicado el 04 de mayo de 2023 por ingolfaskevold ingolfaskevold


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