CNC progress and targets

Hello everyone, it looks like you’ve compiled a nice total so far, we’re at 3,143 observations. Regrettably, I’ve had to be away this year so couldn’t contribute. However, I’ve been doing some identifications when I could. Last year we hit a 70% research grade level, which was pretty good. As far as I could tell, we won the CNC in that measurement (but there’s no recognition for that in the CNC)! We have a ways to go to meet that again, so it’s worth going through the identify model on your computer to see if you can nail some IDs! To do so, go to the Project observations, click identify and scroll through. We have lots of unidentifiables this year, however, photos that are too out of focus etc, even a bunch that don’t show the organism.

The following message came in from the INaturalist CNC folks, advising of dates to finish uploading your observations and making udentifications.

������ We wanted to send some quick reminders about the next steps for CNC this week:
������We are now in the uploading and identification period. You all have until 9 am your local time on Monday, May 6th to get all your observations uploaded. You can upload any photos you took from April 26th - April 29th.
������ Be sure to remind everyone that we’re really hoping to document wild plants and animals, and if they did make observations of organisms they know are not wild, to please mark them as captive/cultivated (and as people work to identify observations, they can also mark anyone’s observation as not wild in the Data Quality Assessment section)
������ We will record your city’s results as of 9 am your time on Monday, May 6, and will send out the full results and infographic around 2-3pm PT that day

Publicado el 02 de mayo de 2024 por ingolfaskevold ingolfaskevold


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