Heteralonia subgenera

Compiled from
Bowden 1975: Studies in African Bombyliidae.
Greathead, D.J. & Evenhuis, N.L. (2001) Annotated keys to the genera of African Bombylioidea (Diptera: Bombyliidae; Mythicomyiidae). African Invertebrates 42: 105-224.

Heleralonia s. str.
With four submarginal cells in wing (cell r2+3 divided by a crossvein); wing pattern with eye-like spots on crossveins.

Only 1 species in Southern Africa: H. kaokoensis Hesse 1956 (Namibia)

Mesoclis Bezzi
Type species Anthrax pygmalion
'With five posterior cells (cell m1 divided into two by a crossvein), the third closed and stalked; antennal style short, less than half length of third segment; front legs slender and elongate, wing almost completely infuscated; body narrow, parallel sided.
Does not occur in Southern Africa.

Metapenta Bezzi
Type species Exoprosopa pentala Macquart,
With five posterior cells (cell m2 divided into two by appendix), the additional cell being closed and cut off at base of third posterior cell; antennal style short, not more than about half length of third segment; front legs slender, feebly spiculate tibiae.

Recorded from Southern Africa:
H. atrella Hesse, 1956 Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe.
H. cadicerina Bezzi, 1924 South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal).
H. cingulalis Hesse, 1956 South Africa (Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape).
H. corvina Loew, 1860 Malawi, Namibia, South Africa (Eastern Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal), Zimbabwe.
H. dubia Ricardo, 1901 South Africa (Gauteng), Zimbabwe.
H. furvipennis Hesse, 1956 Namibia.
H. melanostola Hesse, 1956 South Africa (Northern Province).
H. pentala Macquart, 1840 Mozambique, South Africa (Western Cape).
H. venosa Wiedemann, 1819 South Africa (Free State, Western Cape).

Acrodisca Bezzi
Type species Exoprosopa angulata Loew 1860,
With three submarginal and four posterior cells (cell m1 not divided into two by a crossvein), vein between discal and third posterior cells sharply angled, with or without an appendix into third posterior cell; antennal style short to rudimentary; front legs usually stout, relatively short, the tibiae spiculate; wing usually not almost completely infuscated and with pigment concentrated as spots or along borders of veins; body broad rounded.

Recorded from Southern Africa:
H. acrodiscoides Bezzi, 1921 Namibia
H. angulata Loew, 1860 Mozambique, South Africa (Western Cape).
H. aridicola Hesse, 1956 Botswana, Namibia, South Africa (Northern Cape).
H. eremochara Hesse, 1956 South Africa (Northern Cape, Western Cape).
H. fimbriatella Bezzi, 1921 South Africa (North-West Province).
H. fumida Greathead, 2000 South Africa (North-West Province).
H. furvalis Hesse, 1956 South Africa (?Gauteng, Northern Cape, Northern Province).
H. gonioneura Hesse, 1956 Botswana, Namibia, South Africa (Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape), Uganda.
H. hamula Hesse, 1956South Africa (Western Cape)
H. hemiphaea Hesse, 1956 South Africa (Gauteng, Northern Province).
H. nephoneura Hesse, 1950 Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa (Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga).
H. obscuripennis Hesse, 1956 Namibia, South Africa (Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape).
H. offuscata Bezzi, 1921 Namibia, South Africa (Northern Cape & Western Cape)
H. personata Bezzi, 1921 Malawi, South Africa (Northern Cape, Western Cape), Zimbabwe.
H. polysticta Hesse, 1956 Namibia, South Africa (Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape).
H. recurrens Loew, 1860 South Africa (Eastern Cape).
H. rubella Bezzi, 1924 Kenya, Somalia, South Africa (Mpumalanga, Northern Province), Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
H. spoliata Bezzi, 1922 South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal). https://www.pindip.org/heteralonia-spoliata
H. umbrosa Loew, 1860 Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa (Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga), Tanzania, Zimbabwe.
H. zonata Hesse, 1936 Botswana, Namibia, South Africa (Northern Province).

Homolonia Bowden
Type species Anthrax megerlei Meigen (= Exoprosapa consanguinea Macquart; = Exoprosopa campar Bezzi).
With three submarginal and four posterior cells, cross vein m1 - m2 long, sinuous, more or less parallel to wing margin; discal ce!l long, narrow, not notably expanded apically, vein between it and third posterior cell long, sinuous but not angled or appendiculate; wing-pattern uniform in density, extensive but often with a clear spot or indention over the middle of the discal cell; scaling on abdomen uniform in colour or with a bold division into areas of different colour.

Recorded from Southern Africa:
H. caffrariana Hesse, 1956 South Africa (Eastern Cape).
H. campestris Hesse, 1956 South Africa (Western Cape).
H. capensis Wiedemann, 1821 Namibia, South Africa (Western Cape).
H. connivens Bezzi, 1924 South Africa (Northern Cape, Western Cape).
H corvinoides Hesse, 1956 Namibia, South Africa (Western Cape).
H. cosmoptera Bezzi, 1924 Malawi, Namibia.
H. guillarmodi Hesse, 1956 Lesotho, South Africa (Eastern Cape, North-West Province).
H. karooana Hesse, 1956 South Africa (Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape).
H. leucothyrida Hesse, 1956 Namibia, South Africa (Eastern Cape, Free State, Northern Cape, Western Cape).
H. maculifera Bezzi, 1921 South Africa (Eastern Cape).
H. maculosa Wiedemann, 1819 South Africa (Eastern Cape, Western Cape).
H. neurospila Bezzi, 1921 South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal).
H. nigrovenosa Bezzi, 1921 South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal), eSwatini.
H. plerosticta Hesse, 1956 South Africa (Western Cape).
H. porrectella Hesse, 1956 South Africa (Eastern Cape, Western Cape).

Zygodipla Bezzi
Type species: Anthrax algira Fabricius, 1794
Cell r5 divided by a crossvein or closed and with a long stalk; vestiture usually composed predominantly of pale, sandy-coloured hair and scales; wing-pattern diffuse, usually pale and with paler borders to veins or small, darker spots on crossveins, often paler at base and with a darker diagonal middle band before a hyaline apical band; if wing vein characters not present, then vestiture and wing.pattern are as described
Only 1 species in Southern Africa: H. mira Greathead 2001 (Namibia)

Isotamia Bezzi (= Stenolonia Bowden)
Type species: Isotamia daveyi Bezzi, 1912
With three submarginal and four posterior cells; cross vein m1 m2 short, straight or only slightly sinuous, oblique to wing margin; discal cell very long and narrow; anal lobe narrow, not wider than empusal cell, alula reduced, wing (hus appearing pedunculate; antennal style short, not more than half length of third segment; front legs stout, the tibiae spiculate;
Proboscis usually projecting, sometimes by more than the length of the head; anal area narrow and alula reduced so that wing appears petiolate; wing with anterior infuscation sharply marked off from hind part which is tinged brownish; abdomen tending to have a fringe of dense scales at sides.

Recorded from Southern Africa:
H. ceuthodonta Hesse, 1936 Botswana, Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania
H. loxospila Hesse, 1956 South Africa (Eastern Cape, Gauteng).

Publicado el 18 de junio de 2024 por traianbertau traianbertau


Thanks Traian

Publicado por mariedelport hace 4 meses

Very helpful :)

Publicado por yorkniu hace 4 meses

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