Fewer Than 250 Observations...

Observations of species within the umbrella with fewer than 250 total observations. Please go and look at my github repo. It's utterly embarrassing. I don't even know how to delete from github. But... I tried. And it DOES show how planting natives attracts species not often observed. I hacked someone else's code. I was afraid to try to make it pause and hit the server over and over so you have to page through 4 pages that are unequal lengths. Not exactly elegant, but whatever...


Publicado el 18 de noviembre de 2023 por stockslager stockslager


Oooo -- looks like a fun toy! :)
It would be nice to figure out a way to get the non-native or cultivated things out of the list -- I saw many unusual insects but also a few of my odd, cultivated garden plants. Tinkering with code that complex is beyond me, though. It's neat that it has little thumbnails of all the organisms. Pretty cool!

Publicado por m_whitson hace 11 meses

"It's neat that it has little thumbnails of all the organisms. Pretty cool!" ~ None of that is me... some other person did all that. I'm quite sure they're smart enough to be lurking if they want to be, and will reveal themselves if they want to. Some really smart kid could take that person's code and do really smart things with it. You know, that other person's code. Who might reveal themselves. Reveal themselves to a really smart kid.

Did you know that common earthworms are said to be invasive? I'd eradicate them from my lot if I could, just to see what would happen.

Publicado por stockslager hace 11 meses

Sorry for being a fool. But I do think it'd be interesting for a botany student to learn client side scripting.

The earthworm bit was meant as an acknowledgment of ecological fitting. Which, if you've looked at my journal is really really hard for me. :)

Publicado por stockslager hace 11 meses

Sadly, finding biology students who are also enthusiastic about computer programming is a bit of an odd combination.

Publicado por m_whitson hace 11 meses

hmmm.. let m think on that a bit.

I promise you tho. If you spend 12 hours a day every day for years and years coding. Hidden in a cubicle. Isolated. What you crave is... the natural world. Maybe it's an IT kid interested in the natural world that we need. I can see how it would seem like an odd combination. The one needs the other more than the other needs the one.

I'll hire one of those airplanes with a banner... "Attention IT kid. Stop looking at screen. Look at plants."

Publicado por stockslager hace 11 meses

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