Footzoom member @naufalurfi recognized by iNaturalist in iNatBlog

Yogyakarta, Indonesia resident Naufal Urfi Dhiya'ulhaq (@naufalurfi) was recognized in a blog written by @tiwane : March 11, 2021 Identifier Profile: @naufalurfi

We have been proud to have him as member since May 21, 2020 and he has contributed 4,262 observations via Footzoom, well representing the environment in which he lives.

Congratulation on the blog article.

Publicado el 28 de marzo de 2021 por bobmcd bobmcd


Hearty congrats @naufalurfi ! I feel honoured for being a part of this project, as well as this beautiful community ! Again, congrats mate ! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Publicado por naturalist_aditya hace más de 3 años

Thanks for the appreciation!

Publicado por naufalurfi hace más de 3 años

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