Humber Arboretum Atlas May Highlights

May is a busy month in the nature world. Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming and spring is springing! So many people contributed to The Humber Arboretum Atlas Project this past month. Here are the highlights of the cool observations that were made.

Over 15 different flowers were observed in May. S. Weber (ghosthntr) observed many of them, with some being Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Common Lilacs and Common Peonies. Mike Naumoff, a nature interpreter here at the Humber Arboretum, found the Carolina Spring-Beauty, and the Large White Trillium, which is Ontario’s national flower!

A white flower with three large petals, low to the ground, with large green leaves
© Michael Naumoff, some rights reserved (BY-CC), Large White Trillium - Observation 78274612

Tons of plants can be found throughout the Arboretum. Max Haber, another of our nature interpreters, spotted Cut-leaved Toothwort, Bloodroot, and Solomon’s Plume, just to name a few.

A large, wide green leaf, growing low to the ground, with many lobes
© Max Haber, some rights reserved (BY-CC), Blood Root - Observation 78269767

Multiple birds were also spotted. Cedar Waxwings, the Common Grackle, the White-crowned Sparrow, and the Rusty Blackbird were all observations from coleencraig.

One cedar waxwing feeds a berry to another
© Colleen Craig, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC), Cedar Waxwing - Observation 78126918

Avita Ragnauth captured the Northern Cardinal, and other birds, such as the Tree Swallow and the Red-winged Blackbird, were spotted by S. Weber (ghosthntr).

Blue bird perched on a post with greenery in the background
© S. Weber, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC), Tree Swallow - Observation 80362685

Along with birds, many other critters inhabit the Arboretum, like the Eastern Chipmunk found by Avita Ragnauth and the American Toad found by Mike Naumoff.

Overhead view of a toad on the ground
© Michael Naumoff, some rights reserved (BY-CC), American Toad - Observation 79424024

The Humber Arboretum wants to thank everyone who submitted their findings in May. We are looking forward to seeing what everyone spots in June!

  • Nicole Carbone, Humber Arboretum Student Content Creator
Publicado el 14 de junio de 2021 por humberarboretum humberarboretum


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