Missing Lizards

Here is a list of lizards not yet observed on iNat in the Clarence Valley LGA, but are either recorded elsewhere, are in range or there are anecdotal records of them locally (unverifiable).

If you have any field notes or anecdotes to add, let me know in the comments and I’ll add them in. 

Species Local Notes
Acritoscincus platynotus Record on eastern slopes of the Great divide around Nymboida
Ammalosia jacovae/lesueurii Anecdotal sightings in dry country around the Clarence
Amphibolurus muricatus Mostly old records in the Clarence
Anomalopus leuckartii 1886 records - probably inaccurate
Carlia tetradactyla Record from guy fawkes
Ctenotus eurydice Records near Nymboida - more likely at higher altitude
Delma tincta Three records, and a collected specimen
Diporiphora australis At Ross Wellingtons house south of Grafton, and through dry country
Diporiphora nobbi Plenty of old records
Egernia cunninghami Up in the granite
Egernia striolata Oldish records probably wrong
Eulamprus heatwolei Mt Hyland area
Eulamprus kosciuskoi Ebor, Hyland, Dorrigo
Eulamprus tympanum Records at Mt Hyland - most definitely misIDed
Harrisoniascincus zia Antarctic Beech forests
Lampropholis amicula Should be somewhat common, possible misIDed Lamps
Liopholis whitii Up around Washpool/Gib, might fall down the hill a bit
Morethia boulengeri Records through sandstone country south of Clarence....
Ophioscincus truncatus RF west and south of Nymboida
Pygopus lepidopodus Records through Yuraygir
Saltuarius wyberba On Granite - maybe sneaks into Clarence LGA
Saproscincus challengeri ALA Records in surrounding LGAs....Probable MisIDs
Saproscincus mustelinus Higher altitudes- Mt Hyland
Saproscincus oriarus Wet Heath
Saproscincus rosei Records in surrounding LGAs, RF towards Coffs.
Cyclodomorphus michaeli Supposed record near New England

Publicado el 03 de julio de 2024 por moocattle moocattle


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