Suggestions for this year?

Starting to look at the website, and the project, to get it ready for the coming field season. If anyone has any suggestions for changes/additions to the website, maps, or project, please post your comments below or email me at

Currently on the list to explore:

  • ability to make the map go full screen
  • incorporate iNaturalist login to website for the square sign-up system and future needs or some form of achievements list
  • cleanup the sign-up system from the hasty implementation last year
  • update content

FunDIS, a fungal conservation organization, recently released a rather eclectic visioning document titled The Radical Future of Fungal Conservation. A couple of interesting images:

I found this interesting. I am pretty sure I added more than 266 observations, but it is certainly a goal I will keep in mind for next year.

Our focus has been 20 species in each atlas square of the province. My original thinking was that we would increase that number to 30 or 40 as we meet the original target, but perhaps we should consider these images. Instead we try to get champions for specific squares to provide consistent observations year after year. Thoughts?

Publicado el 17 de febrero de 2023 por ksanderson ksanderson


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