Memorial Day update

There's still a week in May, and we're over 5,000 observations, 89 species. This is well ahead of 2023. Warm days and no flooding have helped boost observations. Also, no smoke (yet).

Still waiting on first-of-the-year observations for Williams and Wyandot Co's. Additional counties that need May observations are Columbiana, Gallia, Harrison, Henry, Mercer, Paulding, Pike, Putnam, and Van Wert. Any help in these locations would be appreciated.

The Four-spotted Skimmer is being reported - continuity from last year's irruption. Pretty cool. Also a number of new locations for Dusky Clubtail, and a couple for Handsome Clubtail.

Early flyers we'll need observations on from specific sites include Riffle Snaketail, Southern Pygmy Clubtail, Frosted Whiteface, Marsh Bluet, Northern Spreadwing, River Bluet.

Off to a great start!

Publicado el 24 de mayo de 2024 por jimlem jimlem


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