Excluding locations from search

Some notes, for my reference.


On the above linked page, there are instructions for how to exclude specific places. They must be entered into the URL string as their place ID (which is a number string).

I have been having issues searching for new observations because the simple 'Description/Tags' box scoops up everything with the word 'knife', for example 'Big Knife Provincial Park'.

So I just add [&not_in_place=149037] to the URL string. Boom, no results from that location. Of course, if there were any observations from Big Knife with a Swiss Army knife in the photo, I would not see it.

This is the URL I tried:


I'm still having trouble though. It seems there are places with number strings and places with text strings. I'm not sure how they differ. Also, there are still some results for 'Big Knife Provincial Park' that appear in the search results. Is that because there are two different 'places' in the system?

Publicado el 11 de marzo de 2024 por ccoslor ccoslor


This URL excludes Big Knife as well as Big Knife Provincial Park in Canada, as well as Knife River Indian Villages National Historical Site in North Dakota.


Now to find a way to exclude taxa such as knife-leaved liveforever and knife wrasse...

Publicado por ccoslor hace alrededor de 1 mes

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