Philoliche (Phara) fuscanipennis Macquart, 1855 - Identification

Length about 19 mm. Thorax black with a band of yellow-golden pile on the anterior, lateral and posterior margins. Legs slate-black, clothed with black and orange hair: femora chocolate-brown, tibiae and tarsi ochraceous-tawny. Wings brown with brown veins; cell r5 closed before wing margin, vein R4 with appendix. Abdomen unmarked, shiny black with a purplish tinge.

Original description by Macquart:

Description by Austen as Phara nigripleuris (with illustration of head):

iNat observation:

Western Cape endemic, known from Ceres; Paarl dist; Worcester dist; Cape Agulhas; Stellenbosch

Publicado el 01 de agosto de 2023 por traianbertau traianbertau


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