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Marzo 22, 2024 a las 02:01 PM PDT


This weevil showed up stuck to the packing tape on a delivery. Moved a little bit, so I removed the part of the tape it was on and put it down on some notebook paper. Went away for an hour or two and when I came back it had freed itself and was just hanging out on the notebook paper exploring a little. Did some research and found out it eats decaying plant matter so I let it go in our yard waste compost bin, hopefully it’s enjoying it.

Fotos / Sonidos




Febrero 14, 2024 a las 10:38 MAÑANA PST


Ok let me explain. Our story starts with two newlyweds, one who drinks both tea and coffee, and one for whom coffee is just one of those things they tried back in college (like being straight). The non-coffee drinking short wife mistook a coffee cold-brew thingamajig- for being a way to tidy up a bouquet they got for the tall wife’s birthday. Fast forward about three months… and the bouquet that had been forgotten about while sitting in the coffee thingie in a large mason jar of water….produced….new life? In a manner of speaking? Introduced? Cultivated? Sentient even? Only the compost pile shall tell!