Fotos / Sonidos


Setas Y Parientes (Familia Entolomataceae)




Noviembre 14, 2013 a las 04:20 PM PST


Nolanea sp. – Photo F-28

Microphotos from Dave Largent

Caps – 1 ½ - 3 ½ cm wide, broadly conical to campanulate. Dry, matte, densely innately fibrillose becoming scumy at disc. Fragile, dark umber becoming blackish at disc. Context brown.
Gills – Adnate to sinuate with strong decurrent tooth. Arcuate, subdistant, edges entire. Buff becoming flesh-brown from spores. Ascending lamellulae.
Stipe – 2-6 mm thick and 4 ½ - 8 cm long. Smooth, hollow, dark gray-brown. Not striated but tending to split longitudinally. Equal or barely expanded at base. Base white tomentose.
Odor & Taste – Mild.
Spores – Pinkish-flesh.
Habitat – Gregarious in moss and mud near western red cedar at the Stimpson Reserve on Nov. 14, 2013.
Spores - 5-6 sided, herterodiametric. 10-14 x 8.6-11 microns. Q = 1.29.
Basidia - Clavate, 2 and 4-spored. 43-53 x 12-15 microns.
Cheilocystidia - Of several shapes; rostrate-ventricose with septate apices, fusoid with short necks, and obclavate. 47-57 x 9-14 microns.
Gill Trama - Of sinuous, thick-walled parallel hyphae 5-11 microns wide.
Pleurocystidia - None seen.
Pileipellis at Margin - A cutis of radially parallel hyphae 4-8 microns wide.
Subpellis - Of more bloated poaerallel hyphae 9-15 microns wide.
Pileal Trama - Of shorter parallel hyphae 7-24 microns wide.
Pileipellis at Disc - More like a trichoderm with clusters of cylindrical hyphae 6-10 microns wide arising from interwoven hyphae.
Stipitipellis - Of vertical hyphae 6-15 microns wide.
Caulocystidia - Strangulated cylindrical to subfusiform with septate necks, and subcapitate at 34-56 x 10 microns.

Fotos / Sonidos




Febrero 2022


smells like marzipan