Fotos / Sonidos


Mostaza de Campo (Mutarda arvensis)


Abril 17, 2012


This was found near roadside in a open field. The Charlock was about 3 feet tall. It was a very vibrant yellow color, that is very eye catching. It had stiff green stem. The leaves were egg-shaped and about 1 1/2 inch long and 1 inch wide. Each flower had 4 sepals to it.

Mostaza de Campo - Photo (c) Radim Paulič, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Radim Paulič
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Mostaza de Campo (Mutarda arvensis)
Añadido el 25 julio 2024
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Añadido como parte de un cambio de taxón

Fotos / Sonidos


Mostaza de Campo (Mutarda arvensis)


Abril 17, 2012


This was found near roadside in a open field. The Charlock was about 3 feet tall. It was a very vibrant yellow color, that is very eye catching. It had stiff green stem. The leaves were egg-shaped and about 1 1/2 inch long and 1 inch wide. Each flower had 4 sepals to it.

Mostaza de Campo - Photo (c) Radim Paulič, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Radim Paulič
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Mostaza de Campo (Rhamphospermum arvense [inactive])
Añadido el 18 febrero 2023
(Especie o grupo inactivo) Añadido como parte de un cambio de taxón

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Mariposa Ojo de Venado de California (Junonia grisea)


Marzo 15, 2012


This butterfly was a tan color with black spots spread far around it on the outer part of the wings. It was found resting on a huge bush. The wingspan was about 3 inches and the length was about 2 3/4 inches. This butterfly flew very fast and all over the place not just in a straight line.

Mariposa Ojo de Venado de California - Photo (c) cjackson, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por cjackson
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Mariposa Ojo de Venado de California (Junonia grisea)
Añadido el 15 junio 2021
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Añadido como parte de un cambio de taxón

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Limonero (Citrus × limon)


Abril 29, 2012


The tree itself was about 12 feet tall. The leaves were 2 1/2 inches long hanging from brancjes and limbs that were very green along with the leaves. everything was green, until the lemon. The lemon was a very bright yellow and they were all different sizes and shape most averaged about 2 inches long and wide maybe 1 1/2 inches in width. There were many lemons on the tree.

Limonero - Photo (c) Nick Saville, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Nick Saville
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Limonero (Citrus × limon)
Añadido el 21 octubre 2014
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Añadido como parte de un cambio de taxón

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Abeja Melífera Europea (Apis mellifera)


Mayo 19, 2012


This bee has a somewhat furry look to it.It was yellow and black, but not a super bright yellow. it was small and it flew around very quickly. the wings were not huge and thick either. I found this on a flower.

Abeja Melífera Europea - Photo (c) Georges-Alexandre Cotnoir, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Georges-Alexandre Cotnoir
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Abeja Melífera Europea (Apis mellifera)
Añadido el 22 mayo 2012
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Diente de León (Taraxacum officinale)


Mayo 12, 2012


This flower was found in the grass. The stem was as dark as the grass was. The flower, about 1 inch in diamerter, had not definite pedals but little stubs as the pedals. They were a bright mustard yellow. These flowers are everywhere you usually look in the grass.

Diente de León - Photo (c) Sarah R., algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Sarah R.
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Diente de León (Taraxacum officinale)
Añadido el 22 mayo 2012
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Mariposa Ojo de Venado de California (Junonia grisea)


Marzo 15, 2012


This butterfly was a tan color with black spots spread far around it on the outer part of the wings. It was found resting on a huge bush. The wingspan was about 3 inches and the length was about 2 3/4 inches. This butterfly flew very fast and all over the place not just in a straight line.

Mariposa Ojo de Venado Común - Photo (c) skitterbug, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY), subido por skitterbug
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Mariposa Ojo de Venado Común (Junonia coenia)
Añadido el 22 mayo 2012

Fotos / Sonidos


Brusela (Vinca minor)


Abril 29, 2012


The flower was a purple/magenta color. It had 5 definate pedals to it, with yellow in the middle of it. The flower was small and found in an area of green leaves and vines and shrub. The flower was about 1 inch in diameter.

Fotos / Sonidos


Limonero (Citrus × limon)


Abril 29, 2012


The tree itself was about 12 feet tall. The leaves were 2 1/2 inches long hanging from brancjes and limbs that were very green along with the leaves. everything was green, until the lemon. The lemon was a very bright yellow and they were all different sizes and shape most averaged about 2 inches long and wide maybe 1 1/2 inches in width. There were many lemons on the tree.

Limón Persa - Photo (c) Biopix, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Limón Persa (Citrus limon [inactive])
Añadido el 29 abril 2012
(Especie o grupo inactivo)

Fotos / Sonidos


Ciruelos (Subgénero Prunus)


Abril 24, 2012


It isnt blooming right now. But the leaves are a burgandy red color. They feel thin and flimsy. The branches and trunk are brown. The stems and branches are stiff and there are many leaves on each limb. When it blooms it has white flowers all over it with hints of pink. they are small flowers and there are also plums that grow on it.

Prunus subcordata - Photo (c) Ken-ichi Ueda, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY), subido por Ken-ichi Ueda
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Prunus subcordata, un miembro de Ciruelos (Subgénero Prunus)
Añadido el 27 abril 2012

Fotos / Sonidos


Diente de León (Taraxacum officinale)




Abril 24, 2012


The Flower was a bright yellow color. It did not have definite pedals on it, but what was there was very thin and there was a lot. The flower itself was about 3/4 inches in diameter. The stem was a very dark green, and wasnt very stiff or strong. It was very flimsy. the stem was about 2 inches. I found it in grass.

Diente de León - Photo (c) Sarah R., algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Sarah R.
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Diente de León (Taraxacum officinale)
Añadido el 27 abril 2012
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Bejori de Cerca Occidental (Sceloporus occidentalis)


Abril 20, 2012


The Lizard was very friendly.
It was about 4 inches in lenght. Found in plants and bushes. The skin was very silk and smooth. The dorsal had greens and browns and whites on it. and the stomach had very royal blue sides that surronded by black and green. the tail was ABOUT 2.5 inches. the lizard moved very quickly while the tail moved back and forth and the legs and feet moved fast also.

Bejori de Cerca Occidental - Photo (c) Steven Kurniawidjaja, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Steven Kurniawidjaja
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Bejori de Cerca Occidental (Sceloporus occidentalis)
Añadido el 26 abril 2012
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Catarina de Siete Puntos (Coccinella septempunctata)


Abril 19, 2012


There was exactly seven black spots scattered on the red-orange colored elytra. The shape was hemispherical/ oval shaped. Length was one 1 1/2 cm. It had a small head with short black legs. It was able to attach itself to a leave with without the leave moving at all, concluding it is VERY light. It crawled very qucikly.
I found it in the grass and crawling over weeds and leaves.

Catarina de Siete Puntos - Photo (c) Katja Schulz, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY)
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Catarina de Siete Puntos (Coccinella septempunctata)
Añadido el 26 abril 2012
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Mapaches Y Parientes (Familia Procyonidae)


Abril 17, 2012


The print was found in very wet mud. It was about 2 1/2 inches in width and about 1 1/2 inches long. It was the front foot of a racoon. There was also a pathway leading up to this print through the high grass about a little less than a foot wide, that a racoon would beable to fit through.

Mapaches Y Parientes - Photo (c) jayras, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por jayras
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Mapaches Y Parientes (Familia Procyonidae)
Añadido el 26 abril 2012
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Fotos / Sonidos


Mostaza de Campo (Mutarda arvensis)


Abril 17, 2012


This was found near roadside in a open field. The Charlock was about 3 feet tall. It was a very vibrant yellow color, that is very eye catching. It had stiff green stem. The leaves were egg-shaped and about 1 1/2 inch long and 1 inch wide. Each flower had 4 sepals to it.

Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Mostaza de Campo (Sinapis arvensis [inactive])
Añadido el 26 abril 2012
(Especie o grupo inactivo)

Fotos / Sonidos


Oligoquetos (Subclase Oligochaeta)


Abril 17, 2012


It was slimy, which made it look shiny when the sun hit it. The colors were very bark brown, with tan and pink ran through it. One side of it was a very peraly color.

Komarekiona eatoni - Photo (c) noonan_jared_5, todos los derechos reservados, subido por noonan_jared_5
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Komarekiona eatoni, un miembro de Oligoquetos (Subclase Oligochaeta)
Añadido el 26 abril 2012

Fotos / Sonidos


Alcatraz Sudafricano (Zantedeschia aethiopica)


Abril 24, 2012


The flower itself was very white, with yellowish insides. The stem was a light green and was very stiff yet sort of squishy. And it was in dark soil.

Alcatraz Sudafricano - Photo (c) flipsockgrrl, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA)
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Alcatraz Sudafricano (Zantedeschia aethiopica)
Añadido el 26 abril 2012
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Amapola de California (Eschscholzia californica)


Abril 24, 2012


The stem was very smoth with grey-greenish coloring. The whole plant itself was about 1 foot tall. The leaves were vibrant orange and had four pedals.

Amapola de California - Photo (c) John Barkla, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY), subido por John Barkla
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Amapola de California (Eschscholzia californica)
Añadido el 26 abril 2012
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Agapandos (Género Agapanthus)


Abril 24, 2012


The stem is very lime green and about 2 1/2 feelt long leading down a big full bush of large long green leaves about 1 foot. at the top of stem there are tons of lavender colored long flowers about 1 inch long.

Agapandos - Photo (c) Emanuel Vieira, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Emanuel Vieira
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Agapandos (Género Agapanthus)
Añadido el 26 abril 2012
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Abril 25, 2012


The slug was very slimy. It was brown with light brown speckles oll over it. The bottom of the slug was a whitish/yellow color. It did not move at all when I was observing it. it was about 1 inch in length and 1/2 in width. I found it in the rocks.

Babosa Tigre - Photo (c) Bernard DUPONT, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Babosa Tigre (Limax maximus)
Añadido el 26 abril 2012

Fotos / Sonidos


Írises (Género Iris)


Abril 24, 2012


There were pedals a pastel yellow in the middle that were small, and the outer pedals were a more bright yellow. They were also very soft and smooth. The stem was a light green and about 1 1/2 feet tall.

Írises - Photo (c) Nona, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Nona
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Írises (Género Iris)
Añadido el 26 abril 2012
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Grillos (Género Gryllus)


Abril 17, 2012


The color is a very dark balck. It is about 1 inch long and about 3/4 inches wide. The atenas are about 1/2 inches long. It was found in a field on a rock. It hops very fast and had trouble catching it.

Gryllus campestris - Photo (c) Ryszard, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de lindsay_suechada_5: Gryllus campestris, un miembro de Grillos (Subgénero Gryllus)
Añadido el 26 abril 2012


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