20 de junio de 2022

Searching for Moth Eggs and other moth photos.

I am working on a presentation for National Moth week and desperately need photos of moth eggs, larvae, cocoons, and of course more moths!

While I am out and about looking and have some friends on the lookout as well, would anyone be so kind as to share your moth photos?

Thank you so much.

Publicado el 20 de junio de 2022 por alice_herden alice_herden | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de mayo de 2022

Bluebird Observation

To the best of his ability, the male will pick out a nesting site he feels his mate would prefer. If she accepts, she will begin to bring nesting materials. He showed her the owl box; at first, it seemed suitable for her, but she declined. Until he found the bluebird box, just over the fence, and she accepted, but unfortunately, a pair of chickadees had already claimed the box. Well, if the female wanted that box and she got it.

Read the rest of my backyard bluebird observation:


Publicado el 14 de mayo de 2022 por alice_herden alice_herden | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de marzo de 2022

Chinsegut Spring Break BioBlitz!

Chinsegut Conservation Center is hosting our first ever Spring Break BioBlitz at Chinsegut on Saturday, March 19!
The adventure begins at 9am with a short introduction where we’ll outline the event and talk a little about citizen science. What is a BioBlitz you ask? A BioBlitz is an event that focuses on finding and identifying as many species as possible in a specific area over a short period of time. At a BioBlitz, scientists, families, students, teachers, and other community members work together to get a snapshot of an area’s biodiversity.
For our BioBlitz, groups will be formed to go out and look for different species. We’ll be using the iNaturalist and Seek by iNaturalist apps to record sightings.

Please register if you plan to attend. Registration can be found by visiting myfwc.com/Chinsegut, clicking on Schedule of Activities, then opening this event and clicking Register.

Publicado el 17 de marzo de 2022 por alice_herden alice_herden | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

06 de mayo de 2020

It was the Crab Spider

For weeks I have been pondering about what to do and I think a lot of us have right now. Concerned, stressed, worried about what's happening next.
There are those that are fortunate to still have a steady income through all this COVID-19 situation, as those self-employed like me income has dropped dramatically and that creates a hardship.
So what are you going to do? You are going to stay strong, move forward, and make things happen.
The place where I feel at peace, relaxed, and sort out life directions is in nature, and 99% percent of the time I get the answers that I need.
My husband and I strongly agree that if you stand amongst the trees a sense of wisdom will come upon you. It may not happen for many people. It's hard to explain and it takes a long time to build that inner connection.
A couple of days ago, I stood in a section of longleaf pines and closed my eyes. What came to me was that everything was going to be okay. To just follow your path and things will work out. I told my husband about this and we both had tears fill our eyes.
Yesterday on my photographic adventure I happen to catch a glimpse of a crab spider on a flower. I observed that spider, asking what they heck is it doing, why is it doing that.
This spider created a canopy using the petals of a Tickseed. It attached its spider silk to one petal and then pull it to connect to another petal to create a cover. Now, it's out of the sun in a petal canopy awaiting for a butterfly or bee to gather nectar. How fricken smart is that!
While being totally astonished by this, I was thinking about how many people don't know this? How many people actually seen this happen? I need to show people this, tell people about this.
The final decision to move forward with my Florida Nature magazine was made by an arthropod, the crab spider.
I know I am not an award-winning writer or have a degree in journalism or biology, it is my passion for nature, my creative ideas, and the drive to learn more.
I am currently working on the Introduction Issue to be published online in August 2020.

Follow my blog: https://floridanature.net/blog/
The final website will be here: https://greenflymedia.wixsite.com/floridanature

Publicado el 06 de mayo de 2020 por alice_herden alice_herden | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

01 de marzo de 2020


Looking for wild turkey scat!!!!!!!!!!!!

Publicado el 01 de marzo de 2020 por alice_herden alice_herden | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de noviembre de 2019

Chinsegut Wildlife Day!

Chinsegut Wildlife Day, created in 2016, is organized by Gina Long, Director at Chinsegut Conservation Center and Alice Mary Herden, FWC Volunteer and professional sports and nature photographer.

The focus of the event is to bring more awareness not only to Chinsegut Conservation Center but also to other beautiful areas Hernando County has to offer. Chinsegut Wildlife Day allows the public to meet those who maintain and oversee Hernando’s natural areas and preserve ecosystems to benefit wildlife. The event is a great way for Florida residents and visitors to learn about the diversity of habitats in Florida, the agencies who manage them and how to take personal action to protect wildlife. A diversity of live wildlife may also be viewed during this event allowing an up-close look at some of Florida’s fascinating fauna.

“Thank you for joining us for this event, and we hope you will be inspired to continue learning more about Florida's wildlife.” Alice Mary Herden

Saturday, March 7, 2020 | Brooksville, FL | Chinsegut Conservation Center


Publicado el 21 de noviembre de 2019 por alice_herden alice_herden | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

04 de junio de 2019

Nature Photography Day | June 15 @ Chassahowitzka WMA

“Nature Photographers have that unconditional passion to seek adventures surrounding nature. They strive to bring that curiosity to entice every viewer, they capture visual imprints that can never be destroyed, they have the ability to pull inspirations from every angle that nature has created and have the dedication, drive, and ambition to show the power and strength of the wild.” Alice Mary Herden | Nature Photographer
Join us and discover more than just a picture.

Nature Photography Day
Nature Photography began on June 15, 2006, by the North American Nature Photography Association to promote nature and wildlife photography.
Chassahowitzka WMA
With over 20,000 acres of pure Florida nature awaiting for you to discover, this is the best opportunity to not only learn about Florida's variety of ecosystems but learn about the plant and wildlife that live within them. https://myfwc.com/recreation/lead/chassahowitzka/
Florida Nature Trackers | iNaturalist
Florida Nature Trackers is a great way to receive help in identifying plant and wildlife species as well as help biologists with documentation. On occasion, those species can be rare or on the endangered or threatened species list.

The event begins at 7:30 am and lasts till 4 pm. (You are free to leave at any time.) There is so much to see and to photograph! Flowers, Butterflies, Bees or maybe a Common Nighthawk!

While you're there, you can pick up some creative tips from other photographers, brush up on your camera skills or even share some of your amazing photographic encounters with nature.

Morning Meet and Greet @ 7:30 am
We will have a quick meet and greet as well as share some important information and history of Chassahowitzka.
Reminder there is a $3 daily-use permit per person or $6 per vehicle (https://myfwc.com/recreation/wmas/fee-information/)
Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/WWMQGsgkfVaZHfU88
Bring plenty of water
Have snacks or pack for a picnic lunch
Bug Spray
Sun Screen
Dress for hiking. Please wear closed toed-shoes
Full tank of gas
Cell phone
Any other items you may need
Camera (s)
Xtra cards
Batteries Charged
Tripod (optional)
Lens (suggestion: Macro, Wide Angle and Zoom!)
There are 11 improved (drivable) roads at Chassahowitzka WMA. Each one has its own true uniqueness, habitats, and wildlife.
Download Map: https://myfwc.com/media/20374/chassahowitzka-map.pdf

Florida Nature Trackers
Go to http://floridanaturetrackers.com/ and click join a project. Click on Chassahowitzka WMA. This link will take you to the iNaturalist website, click join this project on the top right corner of the banner, this will prompt you to sign in or if you are not a member to join.

If you have any questions feel free to contact the event organizer. Alice Mary Herden Cell: 352-232-6092 or email: alice@green-flymedia.com

Share your experience
Want to share your experience at Chassahowitzka WMA or your photos?
Join www.facebook.com/groups/ChassahowitzkaWMA.NaturePhotography/

Publicado el 04 de junio de 2019 por alice_herden alice_herden | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de octubre de 2018

Chinsegut Fall Photo Blitz

Getting ready for Saturday's, Oct. 27th Fall Photo Blitz at Chinsegut Conservation Center.
I will be the Photo Blitz leader for the Big Pine tract. So amazed how beautiful this area is now. Big shout out to Matt, Clint and Jared!

A great selection of wildflowers, insects, birds.... looking forward to finding more incredible species.

Publicado el 23 de octubre de 2018 por alice_herden alice_herden | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

31 de julio de 2018

Florida Nature

This is a personal nature photographic journey of places that I have and will visit in Florida. The mission of this adventure is to not only educate myself about nature and wildlife but those that are also nature photography enthusiasts .
Each post will be about one particular species I photograph in their natural habitat. I will include as much information, links and photograph details as I can.
I hope you follow me throughout this adventure.


Publicado el 31 de julio de 2018 por alice_herden alice_herden | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

25 de agosto de 2017

2017 Fall Nature Photography Exhibit | Small World

Looking forward to the 2017 Fall Nature Photography Exhibit | Small World at Chinsegut Conservation Center!

Those that love insects and photography are encouraged to participate!

Go to https://creative-nature-photography.com/events-list/
for some photography workshops and information about the exhibit..

Publicado el 25 de agosto de 2017 por alice_herden alice_herden | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario