Archivos de diario de julio 2024

01 de julio de 2024

MBP - New order for the project

Wow! Congratulations to Jim Moore for documenting a new ORDER for Maryland Biodiversity Project. The order is, of course, quite high taxonomically (remember: Kingdom-Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species). It's like documenting our first beetle (Order Coleoptera) or fly (order Diptera) for the project! This becomes even more impressive when one considers we're in year 12 of the project!

This tiny mite is an arachnid (Class Arachnida) and belongs to the order Oribatida. BugGuide lists several other common names for the order: Armored Mites, Beetle Mites, Moss Mites, and Seed Mites. It was determined to belong to the genus Lucoppia by Lisa Lumley and Heather Proctor via BugGuide.

This order is far from rare, just small and difficult to document and identify. Jim does fine work finding, documenting, and working to identify members of the "smaller majority". There are likely many examples of this order shown in photos of beetles on the MBP site! Here are some fascinating notes on the order Oribatida from BugGuide:

  • "ca. 1200 spp. in >300 genera of over 100 families in our area, ~16,500 described spp. in ~2,400 genera of ~250 families and ~50 superfamilies worldwide"
  • "one of the most numerically dominant arthropod groups in the organic horizons of most soils, where their densities can reach several hundred thousand individuals per square meter (Norton 1990) "...we estimate we still know only a quarter of the Canadian fauna at the species level..."
  • "Leaf litter -- can consume about 20% of its weight in leaf litter every day."
  • "Can have 50,000 to 500,000 mites per square meter of leaf litter."

📸: (c) Jim Moore, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC, - Montgomery Co., Maryland (6/19/2024).

More at Maryland Biodiversity Project:

BugGuide order page:


Publicado el 01 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

02 de julio de 2024

MBP - Silvers-spotted Skipper

A couple weeks ago I got my "state" Silver-spotted Skipper!

"Whaaaat?" might be an expected response in Maryland, where this species is common and widespread throughout the state in the warmer months. It is found in a variety of habitats from fields and open woods to even residential yards, where it is showy and distinctive - especially for a skipper. It has a distinctive caterpillar as well.

But my "state" sighting (my first in the state) was in Monterey County, California! Although the species is found across much of the U.S., the subspecies can have different habitat preferences and favored host plants. Here in Monterey County, it is a very localized specialist of high-elevation pine forest! So fascinating to see familiar species behave differently in different regions, habitats, and seasons.

Chris Tenney and Jan Austin published a wonderful field guide, "Butterflies of Monterey County" ( In the notes for this species, they point out that some observers can identify the Silver-spotted Skipper by sound - "a dry, rattling noise made by its rapid wingbeats as it zips by."

They also share this fascinating behavior: "Larvae of this species also possess a novel trait: some larval predators are attracted to the aroma of fras (that's butterfly larva poop), but Silver-spotted Skipper larve, using an 'anal comb', can eject their frass as far as 38 body lengths from the larval leaf shelter."

📸: Bill Hubick - Monterey Co., California (6/16/2024).

More at Maryland Biodiversity Project:


Publicado el 02 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

Monterey Audubon - Indigo Buntings

There appear to be at least three Indigo Buntings at large at Palo Corona Regional Park, including this beautiful male photographed by Mark Chappell. The stunning Indigo Bunting is the widespread "eastern" relative of our more familiar Lazuli Bunting. Of course, "eastern" is relative, as the species' range extends far into the U.S. Southwest, including southeastern California.
Here in Monterey, Indigo Bunting is one of our most regular spring and fall vagrants. Spring visitors are often males, which may sing on territory and even make breeding attempts (including hybridization with Lazuli Bunting).

📸: (c) Mark Chappell - Palo Corona Regional Park, Monterey County, California (6/22)

Mark's eBird checklist with many great photos of two males:


Publicado el 02 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

03 de julio de 2024

MBP - Support added for new and updated iNat annotations

iNaturalist recently added some new annotations related to plant phenology. You can now annotate vascular plants to indicate leaf buds, green leaves, colored leaves, and more. They also changed the names of some familiar tags for simplicity (e.g., Flowering > Flowers).

Read more here:

Maryland Biodiversity Project has added support for these changes. We archive and display these annotations from observations ingested from iNaturalist. iNat remains the best way to contribute data to MBP.

📸: (c) Jim Stasz - Atlantic Pigeonwings blooming in Dorchester Co., Maryland (8/18/2016).


Publicado el 03 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Monterey Audubon - Redhead nested in Monterey this year

Exciting news - Redhead confirmed breeding in Monterey this year!

The Redhead (Aythya americana) is a distinctive diving duck that nests primarily in the "prairie pothole" region of the Great Plains. They visit much of the rest of the U.S. in migration and in winter. Their breeding range extends well into California, but they are now a rare but regular migrant and winter visitor here in Monterey County.

Don Roberson noted in "Monterey Birds" that the species was formerly more regular in the county and that the species may nest occasionally in the lower Salinas Valley. They have been known to linger into spring and summer locally, especially in the northwestern corner of the county. That was the case this year, where multiple individuals have been reported at Zmudowski SB and vicinity. I must admit, though, I was still quite surprised to see reports of a female with downy young in the area. It's always exciting to see breeding species successful on the edges of their ranges, especially after an absence.

Here's a recent eBird report from Steve Tucker:

Redhead range map from Cornell's All About Birds:

  • Bill
Publicado el 03 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de julio de 2024

MBP - Eyed Click Beetle

The Eyed Click Beetle (Alaus oculatus), or Eyed Elater, is one of our most impressive and distinctive beetle species. The MBP community has documented it in all 23 counties and Baltimore City, but we need records for plenty of USGS quads in western Maryland and on the Eastern Shore. That's likely just a coverage issue.

The species is named after the two large spots on the pronotum that resemble large eyes. These large "eye spots" likely deter predators. The larvae live in wood and are predators of other beetles and beetle larvae. The adults feed mainly on nectar.

Eyed Click Beetles are harmless. Aside from their eye spots, their main defense is the same as all click beetles - a novel approach to catapulting themselves out of danger. According to Wikipedia, "A spine on the prosternum can be snapped into a corresponding notch on the mesosternum, producing a violent 'click' that can bounce the beetle into the air. Clicking is mainly used to avoid predation, although it is also useful when the beetle is on its back and needs to right itself."

📸: (c) timboucher, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC, - Montgomery Co., Maryland (6/10/2021).

More at Maryland Biodiversity Project:


Publicado el 11 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de julio de 2024

MBP - Luna Moth

Today we continue our celebration of National Moth Week with one of the most breathtaking moth species in the world, the Luna Moth (Actias luna).

When I was a nature-obsessed kid, the Luna Moth may have been the species I stared at in my Golden Guide more than any other. I'll never forget my long-awaited first, which wasn't until I moved to Maryland as an adult. Thankfully, they are widespread in Maryland and found in all 23 counties and Baltimore City. They prefer deciduous hardwood woodlands and use a variety of hardwoods as larval host plants. Adults do not feed and are ephemeral beauties with a mission to reproduce and continue their line.

If you want magical moths in the hardwoods, please minimize or eliminate your use of pesticides and encourage reduction in their use wherever you can. To become an instant biodiversity hero, get mosquito spraying canceled in your neighborhood. Plant oaks and native hardwoods vs. non-native ornamental trees. And please note that cocoons are concealed in leaf litter on the ground, so here's another great reason to leave the leaves - maintain wild and untidy areas of your yard if possible!

📸: (c) Richard Orr - Howard Co., Maryland (8/16/2013).

More at Maryland Biodiversity Project:


Publicado el 24 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

MBP - AOS Supplement | Scopoli's Shearwater

Check out this very nice summary of recent American Ornithological Society (AOS) changes to bird taxonomy:

MBP aligns closely with the MD/DC Records Committee (MD/DCRC), which follows AOS. So far we've removed the second hyphens from Yellow-crowned Night-Heron and Black-crowned Night-Heron. They are now Yellow-crowned and Black Crowned Night Herons.

I've also added a page for Scopoli's Shearwater, a long-anticipated split from Cory's Shearwater. Scopoli's Shearwater breeds in the Mediterranean and is separated by underwing pattern (much more white in the primaries) and structural details.

This photo shows the first accepted record for Maryland (#2005-048), the center bird lifting off among Cory's Shearwaters. It was photographed in Maryland waters on 8/28/2004.

eBird will likely complete their taxonomic updates in October.

Scopoli's Shearwater at MBP:

Stay tuned for more updates!


Publicado el 24 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Monterey Audubon - Fall shorebird migration / Pectoral Sandpiper

Fall shorebird migration is already underway! While Monterey County hosts a variety of shorebirds year-round, many species are passage migrants that appear during more compressed windows while in transit between their breeding grounds and wintering grounds. Adults tend to appear earlier than the juveniles born this year.

Pectoral Sandpiper is one of our uncommon but regular fall migrants. It is quite recognizable thanks to its medium size (standing out as larger than nearby "peeps"), bill shape, and that neatly defined breast pattern. They nest in the tundra from eastern Russia to Alaska and northern Canada and migrate nearly 19,000 miles roundtrip traveling to and from their winter range in southern South America. (A few also make it to Australasia). Wow!

📸: (c) Brian Sullivan - Monterey County, California (10/1/2011).


Publicado el 24 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

30 de julio de 2024

MBP - Friendliest of Proboles

Hello dear friends! Facebook suggested that I write a post for International Day of Friendship today. Sounds good. I love friendship.

And so, please behold the Friendly Probole Moth (Probole amicaria), this one photographed by our good friend and MBP admin Mark Etheridge. The genus Probole is notoriously "messy" and MBP follows recent treatment "lumping" all North American Probole into this single species. You can see interesting discussion of the genus at BugGuide (, such as "Covell (1984) indicated Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) as a larval host plant, a species confined to the southeastern states. Considering the vast distribution of Probole amicaria, the larvae must feed on different host plants in different geographic areas." The friendly MBP community has documented this taxon around the state and from March into September. We don't currently have records for Carroll, Baltimore City, Kent, Queen Anne's, or Somerset, but some of those might await ingestion from iNat.

📸: (c) Mark Etheridge - Washington Co., Maryland (8/4/2020).

More at Maryland Biodiversity Project:


Publicado el 30 de julio de 2024 por billhubick billhubick | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario