Archivos de diario de febrero 2013

12 de febrero de 2013

Phenology Exercise

The Willows pictures seem to be a nice demonstration of flowering phenology. While one picture shows bare branches with small buds appearing, the other shows characteristic yellow flowers. The two images are a good juxtaposition of an identical plant at different flowering stages.
One image of the Coyote Brush is representative of the dormant version of the species. It is bare and completely without leaves. It is possible the picture is of a dead Coyote Brush, however, there seems to be a cycle the plant undergoes as many of the Coyote Brushes I observed had varying foliage patterns. The second image demonstrates a Coyote Brush with light leaf coverage, appearing to emerge from its dormancy.

Publicado el 12 de febrero de 2013 por caj392 caj392 | 4 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

13 de febrero de 2013

Tree of Life Exercise

This was a rather difficult exercise. Even on a long hike, it was challenging to find five iconic taxa and get close enough to take a decent picture.
1) The California Poppy is a great example of a plant, the California State flower no less.
2) The Turkey Vulture is an example of a bird. They are quite prevalent around the Bay Area and I saw many on the hike.
3) The Painted Lady butterfly is a great example of an insect. It looks like a monarch but has distinct white spots on the tip of the wing and lacks "blackish margins."
4) The yellow mushroom is a fungus of course. It was almost a neon yellow, and I am still trying to ID it accurately.
5) The grainy picture of the Mule Deer is an example of a mammal. It was captured at dusk, with two other deer hiding behind the bushes.

Publicado el 13 de febrero de 2013 por caj392 caj392 | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de febrero de 2013


Here are five observations that I think are a good representation of a chaparral environment. This one is located on the Tiburon Peninsula.
Coyote Brush--this plant is ubiquitous in chaparral areas in the Bay Area. It has small leaves, presumably to save the plant water in its dry environment.
Western Fence Lizard--lizards, being ectotherms, need warm, sunny places to regulate their body temperatures. This chaparral environment has few large trees, ideal for minimizing shade and maximizing sun basking opportunities.
Genus Dudleya, Powdery Liveforever--this is a very interesting plant, one I would expect to find in the desert rather than a chaparral environment. Its thick, succulent leaves are ideal for retaining water on dry, rocky perches.
Coyote Mint--this plant has a thick, succulent stem, an adaptation ideal for a dry, rocky environment.
Caloplaca Ignea (Red Fire Ant Lichen)--this lichen likes exposed rocks, and the tree-less, serpentine studded chaparral environment is perfectly suited for its abundant growth.

Publicado el 20 de febrero de 2013 por caj392 caj392 | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Moist Evergreen Forest

The area in which the following observations were made is borderline between a Redwood Forest and a Moist Evergreen Forest. However, I think the observations are representative of a wet forest environment.
Coast Redwood--the leaves of the Coast Redwood are not adapted for a dry environment, rather they are long and broad to absorb water in a foggy, moist climate.
Western Tent Caterpillar--this caterpillar is a bit more difficult to explain as being representative of a moist evergreen forest. However, it does rely on trees as its natural habitat.
Artist's Bracket--This fungus relies on moist wood in order to grow. Thus, it is a prime example of an organism which thrives on year-round moisture.
Lady Fern--ferns tend to do well in moist environments, and the Lady Fern's leaflets cover quite a large area to absorb moisture.
Scarlet Waxy Cap--this is a surreal looking mushroom, being almost neon red. It seems to be feeding on the damp soil underneath the carpet of redwood leaves.

Publicado el 20 de febrero de 2013 por caj392 caj392 | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de febrero de 2013

Species Hunt

This is a millipede that I had yet to observe. I found a rotting log, flipped it open, and found this one curled up. I also saw a flowering California Blackberry which has been observed in our class.

Publicado el 23 de febrero de 2013 por caj392 caj392 | 2 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de febrero de 2013

Species Interactions

For this species interaction exercise, I found a Western Fence Lizard inhabiting a Coast Live Oak (which was covered in Haircap Moss). I also found a Woodpecker (species to be identified) pecking for bugs in a Coast Live Oak. It was quite a skittish creature and thus it was difficult to get a close-up photo. Finally, I observed a hummingbird going for the nectar of a purple tubular flower (perhaps foxglove). Although the image is grainy, you can just make out the hummingbird in between the two flower stalks.

Publicado el 27 de febrero de 2013 por caj392 caj392 | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
