Archivos de diario de agosto 2024

25 de agosto de 2024

Key to Miscanthus from Li (1995)

1a. Leaf-blades glabrous both surfaces, no papillae on the abaxial surface; spikelets 2.8-3.2mm long
………………1. Miscanthus floridulus (Labill.) Warb.(五節芒)
1b. Leaf-blades white-powdery beneath, papillae occuring on the abaxial surface; spikelets over 3.5mm long.
 2a. Sheaths pilose.
  3a. Spikelets less than 5.2mm long, growing on middle mountain, Alt.500-2500m
………………2a. M. sinensis Andress. var. formosanus Hack.(臺灣芒)
  3b. Spikelets more than 5.2mm long, growing on high mountain, above Alt.2300m.
……………… 2c. M. sinensis Andress. var. transmorrisonensis (Hayata) Y. Lee(高山芒)
 2b. Sheaths glabrous.
  4a. Spikelets less than 5.2mm long, first glume with 3 veins, growing on lowland to Alt. 1750m.
………………2b. M. sinensis Anderss. var. glaber (Nakai) J.T.Lee(白背芒)
  4b. Spikelets more than 5.2mm long, first glume with 5 veins, growing on high mountain, above Alt. 2300m.
………………2c. M. sinensis Anderss. var. transmorrisonensis (Hayata) Y. Lee(高山芒)


  1. Li, Rui Zong (1995). A study on the genus Miscanthus in Taiwan (Doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University) National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
Publicado el 25 de agosto de 2024 por chiuluan chiuluan | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
