10 de mayo de 2024

Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park

I went to Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park on Friday, May 3rd. Like most parks the only wild animals I saw when I was there were birds except this park in particular had bunnies hopping around. I wonder if those bunnies are native to the park or if they are invasive? The park was green almost all over the place. One thing I noticed is that the ground around the redwood trees had a different texture than the ground/dirt in other places. It was softer and very uniform. The forest was very cool in the evening.

Publicado el 10 de mayo de 2024 por fdiversityespinoza fdiversityespinoza | 11 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de abril de 2024

Brushy Peak Regional Preserve school observations

I went to brushy peak a couple weeks ago in order to get 10 observations but I ended up getting 11 just in case. The weather was very sunny that day, not windy, and felt like around 75 degrees. I saw a lot of ground squirrels, a wild mouse, and many different types of birds. It was really nice to see how green everything was. This is probably the best time of the year to visit. The part of the trail that I went on was very easy to walk on and it was very quiet and peaceful.

Publicado el 16 de abril de 2024 por fdiversityespinoza fdiversityespinoza | 11 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
