Archivos de diario de septiembre 2023

01 de septiembre de 2023

Insect Pitfall Traps

I set up five pitfall traps in my suburban backyard. The trap consisted of five small plastic cups, a leaf as cover, and a near bush. The first two cups was buried by two young ferns. The third was buried by a Juniper, and the fourth was beside a some ivy.


The ones below were collected from the ferns:

  • Common Rough Woodlouse, (Porcellio scaber)
  • Common Pill Woodlouse, (Armadillidium vulgar)
  • Dark-footed Harp Ground Beetle, (Calathus fuscipes)

The ones below were collected from the Juniper:

  • European Earwig, (Complex Forficula auricularia)
  • Immigrant Pavement Ant, (Tetramorium immigrans)
  • Dark-footed Harp Ground Beetle, (Calathus fuscipes)

Can't get it to species level, but this one was found by ivy.

Funnel Weavers, (Family Agelenidae)


Again, was caught by the fern trap.

  • Common Rough Woodlouse, (Porcellio scaber)
  • Dark-footed Harp Ground Beetle, (Calathus fuscipes)


Today, I set up four larger cups in some ivy in my front-yard. I set them all within five feet of each other and used pieces of fallen bark for the roof. I baited cup one and two with some veggies and a tomato. Cup three and four were baited with dog kibble. I went inside hoping for the best tomorrow.

The next day I was interested to find that the cups had been ripped out off the ground and were scattered around the ivy. I am still curious who might have done it, but I suspect it was a raccoon.

  • Common Pill Woodlouse, (Armadillidium vulgar)
  • European Earwig, (Complex Forficula auricularia)
  • Immigrant Pavement Ant, (Tetramorium immigrans)
Publicado el 01 de septiembre de 2023 por gljcrsmith gljcrsmith | 11 observaciones | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario

03 de septiembre de 2023

Insect Light Trap

I'm interested in finding out what kind of insects will be attracted to a light trap. I'm going to try to get some photos, but we'll see how my camera works in the dark lighting conditions.

I think it will be mainly moths that are attracted.

For my light trap, I am using a large salad bowl that is fixed with a ribbon of variable LED lights, with a thin layer of white sheet across the bowl. I plan on using the light at the whitest setting to start, though I may transition to different colours.

For cameras, we're going to use a basic Cannon PowerShot Elph 500HS in hand, as well as a Canon PowerShot SX540 HS on a tripod . Also, probably my dad's iPhone.

The location will be open area among suburban yards. Comments on weather for each day in the Results section.

September 4th, 2023: 8:40 pm, full dark, partly clear with high clouds, 16 C

I was disappointed to find no insects in the first half hour. We checked again at 10:00 and 11:30 pm, but found no bugs on the trap or in the immediate area. Will try again soon.

Publicado el 03 de septiembre de 2023 por gljcrsmith gljcrsmith | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
