Archivos de diario de abril 2013

03 de abril de 2013

Final Project

UC Berkeley’s first bird list ?
Many places that we visit have bird lists or guides on what wildlife surround the area. Many university campuses have one, sadly, ours does not. It is important for our university to have a list just so that people who visit from different places get to see our kinds of birds. Our proposed project is to create a bird list for the UC Berkeley campus. The goal of our project is to bring awareness to students, visitors and faculty on campus about the nature that surrounds us during our years here. Our plan is to put together a bird list from using sightings of specific birds on inaturalist, going out and actually observing the birds, and obtaining information from the net and from professors on campus who might specialize in birds or ecology. We will look up North American bird field guides and add potential birds we might be able to see.

iNaturalist will stand as our platform and we hope that our fellow classmates will help contribute to our project. There are so many birds on campus that we encounter on a daily basis that we wish we could identify, and it would particularly interesting to find out more about them with such things like diet, migration patterns and origins. However, we will try to do a small-scale field study and focus primarily on this season's wave of birds rather than overviewing the vast history of birds in Berkeley.

Jorelle Javier
Silvia Lopez

Publicado el 03 de abril de 2013 por jcjavier jcjavier | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de abril de 2013

Homework #8

So, I went around campus looking for common species as listed on iNat and was able to find these pretty easily!

  1. Daisy
  2. Greater Periwinkle
  3. Nasturtium
  4. California Poppy
  5. Red-flowering Currant (this one might be a little off, since the colors weren't as vibrant as the ones on the list)
Publicado el 17 de abril de 2013 por jcjavier jcjavier | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
