03 de mayo de 2016

Day trip up to Lake Superior Provincial Park - targeting butterflies

Left home at 10:25 to head north. First observation was of Coyote crossing Great Northern Road north of Third Line near Maitland Motors. Noted raptors and others along trip, mostly at 90km/hr. Arrived at south end of park at 12:22 mix of sun and cloud +16C. Turned onto Frater Road at 12:36 noted and photographed Azure, Gray Comma and Mouring Cloak. Continued over tracks and up the cutting road to the east. Several raptors noted and photographed, turned back at approximately 12km mark. Snow cover in hills still feet thick in some spots. Noted frogs vocalizing in several locations along roadway. Made note of Yellow Birch, Maple, Cherry, Hemlock , White Birch, White Spruce and Eastern White Cedar along route. Trout lily leaves appearing through leaf cover. Returned to Hwy 17 at 14:40
Turned into Gargantua Road at approximately 15:00 drove to first bailey bridge which had gate closed. Walked for a few kilometers until snow cover was from side to side of route. Noted pair of Hooded Mergansers in beaver pond to south of roadway, some song birds vocalizing (no identifications) noted Northern Spring Azure near mud puddle but was not able to get photo when it flushed high into the top of a spruce tree. Returned to car at 16:25 and noted a pair of Northern Flickers near the signage board on way back to Hwy 17.

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2016 por markolivier markolivier | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
