Archivos de diario de septiembre 2023

26 de septiembre de 2023

My Reservoir Walk 9/26/23

Today for my nature walk, I walked around the Chestnut Hill Reservoir. It was an incredibly windy day, and around 60 degrees. However, the geese and swans were still swimming in the water. I noted them first, because when I think of biodiversity, my first thought is always about animals, not plants. However, there were not many wild animals that I could see in the area, so I moved on to the plants. There were lots of small white flowers that bordered the entire reservoir, which I am assuming were planted there by humans. However, I found many other plants that seemed to me living in the wild. I found Some berries growing on a tree that I believe to be "Toyon" berries. I also found lots of green lichen growing on one of the trees. There were also lots of mushrooms that were surrounding the base of all the trees. It seems that even on a single tree there is a whole sample of biodiversity!

Publicado el 26 de septiembre de 2023 por marynorberg marynorberg | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
