Archivos de diario de abril 2019

15 de abril de 2019

April 14, 2019 Avocet and Willow Observations at the Arcata Marsh

I started my observations at 12:43 at 569 G Street. The weather was mostly cloudy with a slight breeze. The sun would occasionally peek through the clouds. The temperature was 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
The next location was at Klopp Lake for the Willow observation. The time was 12:48. Even in that short amount time from the start to the willow tree the wind had picked up and the clouds had drawn in. I heard lots of bird calls around me, maybe more than I was used to. Our willow tree has significantly grown more leaves, but the canopy part is still bare. The two branches have big differences. We have determined that the first branch is growing a lot since the first week of observing but the second branch is dead as there is no difference.
The last stop was at the edge of Klopp Lake for the avocet observation. The time was 1:01pm and the same temperature with the same wind speeds. There was no avocets spotted in the observations. The tide was very very low, and the mudflat were exposed. Even so there were ducks and sandpipers.

Publicado el 15 de abril de 2019 por mp308hsu mp308hsu | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
