05 de diciembre de 2022

Luckiest day ever at Cradle Mountain NP

Spent the day at Cradle Mountain National Park, TAS and it was truly one of the best days for wildlife (and weather) I've ever had.

  • Saw my first ever platypus in the wild
  • Red-bellied pademelons
  • Bennett's wallabies
  • Tasmanian native-hens
  • Wombats galore
  • A spotted-tail quoll crossing the road
  • An eastern quoll foraging
Publicado el 05 de diciembre de 2022 por roxylaz roxylaz | 6 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de agosto de 2021


Long and slow walk around Manly and Fairlight this afternoon, and came across a group of figbirds! Only my second time ever seeing them, and first time in Sydney.

Publicado el 14 de agosto de 2021 por roxylaz roxylaz | 3 observaciones

04 de abril de 2021

Frog-hunting at Sydney Park


Headed over to Sydney Park for uni surveying and stayed a couple of extra hours to search for frogs. Heard lots of striped marsh frogs but no luck seeing them, then accidentally stumbled upon a large plant with 5+ Littoria fallax resting on its leaves.

A successful morning!

Publicado el 04 de abril de 2021 por roxylaz roxylaz | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
