If relevant - detailed description of the culture morphology for pure culture of this fungus (Color, Structures Present, Texture)

Tipo de datos: text
Creado por: csmyth csmyth

Observaciones que especifican este campo

Observación Culture Morphology

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Agosto 2, 2024 a las 09:47 PM EDT

Fotos / Sonidos




Julio 22, 2024 a las 10:49 MAÑANA EDT


General Ecology: On the shores of Little Toms Cove, Assateague Island in Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. Sand dunes with grasses and other herbaceous plants growing.

Ecology and associated species: Growing in clusters around the bases of Panicum amarum and Sporobolus pumilus. Seems to be saprotrophic in nature, growing off of dead plant material.

Pileus 0.5-4 cm in diameter, tan to beige with slight tones of pink, sulcate, dome-shaped when young, becoming flat and wavy in age. Lamellae 1.0-2.7 cm in length beige to pinkish, broadly attached to stipe, close in arrangement. Stipe light tan near apex, becoming more brown near base. Mostly equal.
Taste and smell indistinct

Basidiospores white, ellipsoid to ovoid in shape with internal granules.

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Projects Using This Field

Collection Project - Coastal and Marine Mycology 2024 icon

Collection Project - Coastal and Marine Mycology 2024

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