Coyote Lofgren

Unido: 06.jul.2016 Última actividad: 14.abr.2017 iNaturalist

Hi! My name's Coyote Lofgren-Song. I live on this wonderful planet, Earth, and I greatly enjoy exploring, learning, and helping it. I will be a senior in high school this coming year, and I'm part of my school's STEM program. After high school I plan to go to collage, and have a successful life. :) I'm also excited to be an intern at Pepperwood Preserve this summer. I am already having lots of fun.

The best part about Earth is the mere fact that mountains exist. Mountains are beautiful.

The second best part is the abundance of trees. There are no words right now to describe my overwhelming love of trees. I will try. Whenever I hug a tree I feel as if they are hugging me back.

The third best part about Earth is they're people like you (because they actually hug back). Thank you for existing. :)

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