My 3 observations:
For my observations I was really close to Mc Cone hall. I went to this little patch of Bermuda buttercups and was able to see all the activity going on with pollination.
One of my pictures shows a wasp. It was a first for me to see a wasp around flowers and I looked up to see if wasps pollinate and some do. Some are herbivorous even though a majority are carnivorous. I thought this was very interesting.
My second observation was a bee pollinating a buttercup. It was a weird looking bee. I don’t know the species but I was just staring at the things it would do.
Lastly I saw a bumble bee pollinating as well. It was difficult for me to photograph it because it would randomly disappear on me.

One of the most interesting parts of my observations was seeing how these organisms were at work. Sitting there for hours made me think about how a typical day in their life must be. They have their routine and I was super excited to see the different types of organisms that were pollinating. I was able to see at least five types of bees although the others were extremely difficult to photograph. I thought it was super cool that they never faught with each other for these resources.

Publicado el 28 de febrero de 2013 por silvialo silvialo


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Febrero 28, 2013

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Abeja Melífera Europea (Apis mellifera)




Febrero 28, 2013

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Febrero 28, 2013


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