Male Lions Use Ambush Hunting Strategy

If Scott reads this, possibly one of the waterholes in Etosha Game Reserve should be studied as well. There are not many trees in these areas, and I have seen male lions hiding behind termite mounds or other physical rocky features to ambush game as it comes to the waterhole for drinking.

I have seen both males and females hide in long grasses, the only difference being that the lionesses then flush the game toward the hiding male, who often does the kill. It may be a hunting technique that is adapted to the surrounding environment. In the Kruger there are lots of trees, in Kenya there is lots of grass on the savannahs, and in Etosha around watering holes there is often nothing but rock features.

Publicado el 20 de marzo de 2013 por lynnwatson lynnwatson


It seems that a study at Etosha has already been done.

And hunting techniques vary throughout Africa according to habitat type, and success depends on a lot of factors - group size, moonless nights, wind sound, etc.

Publicado por lynnwatson hace más de 11 años

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