Tell-tale Tracks!

During winter's long nights, our nocturnal residents are harder than ever to spot. But they leave tell-tale footprints behind in the mud and snow! This month, keep your eyes open for the subtle signs of your strangers in the night, and post them on our iNaturalist project! Even if you can't identify the tracks yourself, someone in the iNaturalist community will be able to help. Consider adding something to your photo for scale - your hand, a coin, a pen - and describe the habitat where you found the track. The morning after a fresh snow fall is the best time to go for a hike, since the tracks are fresh and clean. You will be amazed to see how much activity has occurred!

Publicado el 05 de marzo de 2019 por dsutherland dsutherland


I love that shot! A whole story can be created by that evidence. :)

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 5 años

Wow, that photo! And thank you for the reminder that uploading tracks is totally viable – I’ve been seeing lots, but only the expected residents so far – bunnies, deer... There were bobcat tracks, but they got snowed over and obscured too quick.

Publicado por asaraha hace más de 5 años

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