Science and Observation notes

What is Science?

From the Latin "scientia," meaning knowledge
Science is the systematic and organized inquiry into the natural world and its phenomena to gain a deeper and more useful understanding of the world.
Science is done through observation of natural phenomena, and/or through experimentation that attempts to simulate natural processes under controlled conditions.
Science is not absolute eternal truth - it provides theories that are usually not provable only disprovable.

Scientific Process

Observe and ask questions
Create a hypothesis
Make predictions

Test predictions and gather data by observational study, field or controlled experiment.
Analyze and interpret data
Draw conclusions; starting point for new hypothesis

Retest; generally done by others


Observation is instinctive. 
We constantly take in information and assess the world around us.
Is it safe to cross the road?
Are the cookies done enough to take out of the oven? 
Observation involves the acquisition of information through senses and/or instruments
Observation involves perception and attention – you are the easiest person to fool
Observation can involve recording of data

Qualitative data - absence or presence, descriptive
It is so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
Quantitative data – measured numerical values  
It is 110°F at 1:00pm on July 10, 2020.

Publicado el 30 de abril de 2020 por fsut fsut


I like this description/definition of Science better than the one last evening that Tia shared. This one I can get my head around much better, while Tia's made me wonder if those with anti-science policial agendas would use Tia's to justify their beliefs.

Publicado por gailferreira hace más de 4 años

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