Noticing backyard "weeds"

I was wandering around my (small) yard, taking notice of what was coming up in my gardens. I decided to start to pay attention to the weeds as well as the things I intentionally planted, rather than just ripping them out of the ground and tossing them aside.

Uploading some of these plants to iNaturalist helped me to identify and learn a little more about these things that are trying to grow in my yard (many against my wishes). I noticed the differently shaped leaves on each, paying more attention to them than I had ever before as I tried to figure out what they were.

One of the plants that has been especially abundant in my yard over the years is currently covered in lots of tiny, two-lipped, pinkish-purple flowers (and actually looks kind of pretty), and I learned that it's Ground Ivy. It's in the mint family, and sure enough, when I crushed a scalloped leaf between my fingers I got a faint mint-like scent from it. I researched it a little further, and learned that although it is indeed invasive (I knew that part already!), it also has some past medicinal and food uses. I won't be eating it myself since it can be toxic, but I began to have a new appreciation for this pretty little weed that I used to mindlessly rip out of the ground.

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2020 por danivaill danivaill


I enjoyed your entry! I have been noticing the ground cover weeds this year in my yard using inaturalist. I have experienced conflicting emotions at the same time when I find out what they are: I'm disappointed and a little aggravated that they are (usually) invasive, but at the same time intrigued by some specifics of their design.

Publicado por maryjb hace más de 4 años

I like that you took a moment to break your usual routine and replace an action with a question. I think mindfulness is an important part of being a naturalist! Our typical thought pattern is to be annoyed that weeds are in our way, but if we resist this frustration and instead bring curiosity, we can learn some pretty amazing things!
I'm really interested in learning about how plants have been used for medicinal purposes, so your post was very interesting to me!

Publicado por juliacohen5 hace más de 4 años

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