Strawberries for Lunch

As I was taking a stroll along a creek, I was going purposely slow to watch the water swirl around the rocks. When I walked closer to a nearby bushy area, I spotted two quick flashes of gray in the corner of my eyes. I stood still and was lucky enough to observe the one bird that stuck around. I was close enough to get a good shoot, and iNaturalist helped me identify it as a gray catbird. I had never heard of this type of bird. I love the name!
I was fascinated watching the gray catbird hop around the ground. Someone had left food scraps in the bush, and the gray catbird was pecking at a strawberry that had been left. I noticed the bird pushing it's tail out, and I wondered if this had to do with how it was moving it's head. After doing some research, I found out that it is common for gray catbirds to use tail flicking for locomotion. This movement can vary from a quick upward or downward flick to a circular motion ( Another behavior I observed that I found to be a common trait of the gray catbird was flipping of leaves. As I suspected (and was later confirmed), the catbird flips leaves to uncover insects.
All because I took a few moments to slow down, I got to see and learn about a new type of bird! I will now be interested in looking out for them in the future.

Publicado el 07 de mayo de 2020 por juliacohen5 juliacohen5


great observation and follow up! The catbird is so grey and black, I am always surprised if I see it's underside and glimpse the roufus/ red under it's tail close to the body. Enjoy!

Publicado por maryjb hace más de 4 años

I've never seen a catbird, how fun! I like that you got to observe some behavior from it, and learn a little more about their lives.

Publicado por danivaill hace más de 4 años

It is very interesting to see how one small species can be so intriguing to observe! Who would have known how well this bird has adapted to the way it lives - more specifically in such a unique way! This is a great perspective on this new experience of yours. I am glad you were able to be observant enough and also patient enough to snap a picture of this catbird. Such a cool moment!

Publicado por jearn043 hace más de 4 años

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