A Baltimore Oriole

My observation area was the wooded area behind my backyard. The woods have a few different kinds of trees - pines and very tall deciduous trees (not sure what they are). There are many fallen trees in the woods, and I am sure they host a lot of creatures. There are younger, smaller trees growing in the open areas. There are also thorny brambles that will have blackberries in the summer.
What strikes me at each sitting is that I hear much more than I see. I will hear 8-10 different types of birds, but only see a few of them. I saw robins, black capped chickadees, mourning doves, cardinals, and a pileated woodpecker. I also saw my first hummingbird of the season, before the cold front came. I haven't seen it since.
But the most exciting sighting was a baltimore oriole flying overhead. The orange color is unmistakable. I have only seen one 2 other times since I’ve been in this house, 9 years. They like the upper canopy, so you have to be looking up.
I also saw a rabbit, chipmunks, and squirrels.
There is a vernal pool in the woods. In the early spring, the peepers are very loud. This week, they were not as loud, and not as numerous, but I still heard them.

Publicado el 13 de mayo de 2020 por janezupan janezupan


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