Spring Mycoblitz Notes

We had a great turnout for the Mycoblitz! Enjoyed seeing and meeting everyone. Terrific collection of observations! And I'm getting great feedback. I have some immediate requests and will be formulating some later Journal posts on more subtle points.

First -- please go into iNaturalist (easiest on your desktop or laptop) and assign every fungi and lichen observation made by you in Green-Wood (past, present, and future) to the Green-Wood Fungi Phenology Project. You have to do it manually for now.

Second -- make sure each observation is about a single organism. Don't include a stick fungi photo and another gravestone lichen photo in the same observation. Separate into two! If you made an observation with images of more than one organism (like lichens) create a different observation with the same photos and call out in the Notes what the color or other distinguish feature is of the organism of the observation.

If you have any questions, concerns, or confusions, contact me (@pcpalmer3) or Sigrid (@sigridjakob).

More soon!

Publicado el 02 de mayo de 2021 por pcpalmer3 pcpalmer3


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