Journal Index

Guide Guide to the Syrphinae of Australia
Key Key to the Greenbottles (Lucilia) of Europe with some notes on Africa.
Key Key for the Identification of the Centipedes of the British Isles from Photographs
Key Key for the Identification of the Millipedes of the British Isles from Photographs
Key Key to the Bacchini and Melanostomini of the Philippines, Wallacea, Australasia and Oceania
Key Key to the Milesiini of Australia and New Zealand
Key Key to British Male Platycheirus Incorporating the Main Infrageneric Groupings in iNat
Key Key to British Female Platycheirus Incorporating the Main Infrageneric Groupings in iNat
Mapping UK Platycheirus Recording Groups onto iNat Taxonomy.
Key Key to the Eriozona, Leucozona and Flavizona of the World
Distribution of Colour Forms in Volucella bombylans
Key Key to the Didea, Dideomima, Asiodidea and Megasyrphus of the World
Key Key to the Doros of the World
Key Key to the Syrphus of North America
Key Key to the Syrphus of Europe
First IDs
Key Key to the Neotropical Eristalis
Distinguishing Eristalis arbustorum and Eristalis abusiva
Key Identification of the major groups within Platycheirus (males)
Palloptera s.l.
Thoughts on the iNat taxonomy of Platycheirus
Eristalis: Distinguishing males of E rupium and E jugorum
Key Dissoptera of the World
Key Myathropa of the World
Key Volucella of the West (Europe, Africa and the New World)

Publicado el 04 de diciembre de 2021 por matthewvosper matthewvosper


links are broken

Publicado por edanko hace más de 2 años

Thanks, fixed. Somehow had the wrong "

Publicado por matthewvosper hace más de 2 años

can you please leave a comment here or tag me when you make a new key? I like to use them and to link them at flyguide.

Publicado por edanko hace más de 2 años

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