
Welcome to the 2022 ID-a-thon for New England plants! This is a 48-hour period in which we try to add identifications to as many “Needs ID” plant observations in New England as we possibly can. The project will run from 7 PM Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, to 7 PM Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022. You don’t have to be an expert botanist to participate (hint: I am definitely NOT an expert botanist!).

A second – but just as important! – goal is help more iNat observers to become more comfortable with making IDs, because as of this writing there are almost 70,000 observers of New England plants in iNat, but only a little over 12,000 identifiers. So, only about 17% of New England plant observers have made any IDs on observations other than their own.

To help focus this project a little, I’ve chosen to focus on Needs ID plant observations that are already at species level. Just before the project starts, I’ll make a journal post with a link to those observations. In the weeks before the project, I’ll make some journal posts about how I make IDs (not how to ID plants, but the steps I take), online resources that are helpful, and some hints about how to be efficient in your IDs.

The only observations you should add to this project are of two types: really cool plants you think everyone would like to see, and observations where you want a little assistance making the ID. Please keep an eye on the project observations during (and after) the ID-a-thon, so you can help out other participants when you can.

Please feel free to ask me any questions at any time, whether by responding to a journal post or by sending me a private message.

Here I’m going to invite a number of iNatters who I think might be interested in this project (but feel free to not join). And of course, everyone is free to join, whether invited or not.

@agave6_tomwalker, @allisonbf, @akilee, @amandammvt, @apgarm, @bryanconnolly, @btk, @cbuelow45, @cgbb2004, @charlie, @choess, @davidenrique, @deparia1950, @donlubin, @erikamitchell, @jackcadwell, @julie_richburg1, @karro_frost, @mcharpentier, @mikeakresh, @mtjones, @nick2524, @pat_huckery_masswildlife, @patswain, @peakaytea, @slamonde, @taluswalker, @tarpinian, @thomashulsey, @trscavo, @tsn

Publicado el 30 de enero de 2022 por lynnharper lynnharper


Cool! I will try to remember to join in :)

Publicado por charlie hace más de 2 años

That's great, @charlie - I'll poke you till you do! ;-)

Publicado por lynnharper hace más de 2 años

please do!

Publicado por charlie hace más de 2 años

Yay! My most recent blast was Hesperis and annual honesty, if anyone would like to follow behind me and get some of those out of the way

Publicado por peakaytea hace más de 2 años

OK, I'll try to spend some time on it (ferns & lycophytes)

I'll watch for reminders.

Publicado por donlubin hace más de 2 años

@peakaytea, I love it when you follow behind me and move so many observations to Research Grade! Before the ID-a-thon, I'm focusing on observations that are currently at genus level so there will be plenty of species-level observations for the blitz. I'm amazed at how many are stuck at Rhus, for example, when the photo is perfectly good for getting it down to species.

Publicado por lynnharper hace más de 2 años

@donlubin, let me take this opportunity to thank you for all the decades of experience and expertise you've brought to ferns and lycophytes, both on iNat and off. It's great you want to help out with this project!

Publicado por lynnharper hace más de 2 años

Remind me, both Jack and I will be happy to join.

Publicado por karro_frost hace más de 2 años

Hi, @karro_frost, you could join now - Jack already has! ;-)

Publicado por lynnharper hace más de 2 años

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