Key to the Didea, Dideomima, Asiodidea and Megasyrphus of the World

These are the Syrphine genera with a dipped radial vein.

This has been a bit of a challenge, but quite a lot of fun. Use this key with caution of course, some of these species are very poorly known, others very variable. The genus Didea in particular I think needs revision, and who knows if geographic variation is hiding distinct species currently under the same name?

Anyway, I hope at least this disseminates some information about these rather nice species.

Publicado el 13 de junio de 2022 por matthewvosper matthewvosper


Are there multiple Dideomima species in Arizona?

Publicado por edanko hace más de 2 años

I honestly don't know - it would be lovely for the info to be published at some point

Publicado por matthewvosper hace más de 2 años

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