Great article about iNaturalist and other updates

There is an online article ''iNaturalist citizen science in the Dry Tropics' by Reef Ecologic in the 2021-2022 Management Response Report

Congratulations to Rachelle Brown for having the most observations at 681 overtaking valryr.

We note that the most observed species are the Koala, Allied Rock wallaby and the Gold-striped butterflyfish.

Insects comprise 552 species or 35.6% of observations.
Plants 287 species and 18.5%
Fish 210 species and 13.5%

What you like
Also check out the observations and species that have had the most comments and faves

Publicado el 13 de diciembre de 2022 por adam_smith3 adam_smith3


Great work by a committed group of citizen scientists. Well done.

Publicado por nathancook hace casi 2 años

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